Buildings |
Buildings (of operational significance) and other salient/prominent (aerodrome) features |
Built up areas |
Areas covered by cities, towns and villages |
Railroads |
All railroads having landmark value |
Highways and Roads |
All highways and roads having landmark value |
Landmarks |
Natural and cultural landmarks, such as bridges, prominent transmission lines, permanent cable\ncar installations, wind turbines, mine structures, forts, ruins, levees, pipelines, rocks, bluffs, cliffs, sand dunes, isolated\nlighthouses and lightships, when considered to be of importance for visual air navigation. |
Political boundaries |
International political boundaries |
Hydrography |
All water features comprising shore lines, lakes, rivers and streams (including those non-perennial in nature), salt lakes, glaciers and ice caps |
Wooded areas |
Wooded areas |
Service roads |
Part of aerodrome surface used by service vehicles |
Construction area |
Part of aerodrome area under construction |
Aircraft movement unsuitable area |
Areas unsuitable for aircraft movement |
Survey control point |
A monumented survey control point |
ASRN node |
A vertex in a graph defining the Aerodrome Surface Routing Network |
ASRN edge |
A connection between two nodes in a graph defining the Aerodrome Surface Routing Network |