AIM Data Catalogue Luxembourg

All subjects, properties and sub-properties of:


Number of rows : 302
Subject Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution ADQ HL-Ref LUX Reference Data Provider Delegation Level 1 Delegation Level 2
Aerodrome/HeliportName18TextThe primary official name of an aerodrome as designated by an appropriate authority.AIP AD 1.3.1, AIP AD 2.1; Annex 4 3.6 4.6 5.3 6.4 9.5 10.5 11.6 12.6 13.4 14.4 15.4 21.5AD 1.3.1, AD 2.1, AD 3CAA
DesignatorDesignator IATA976TextThe identifier that is assigned to a location in accordance with rules (resolution 767) governed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).if anyAMDBAD 1.3.1, AD 2.1, AD 3AD OPR
ICAO location indicator17TextThe four letter ICAO location indicator of the aerodrome/heliport, as listed in ICAO DOC 7910 (Location Indicators).if anyAIP GEN 2.4, AIP AD 1.3.1, AIP AD 2.1AD 1.3.1, AD 2.1, AD 3CAA
Other977TextA locally defined airport identifier, if other than an ICAO Location IndicatorAIS-AIM SG 12AD 1.3.1, AD 2.1, AD 3CAA
Served city20TextThe full name of the city or town the aerodrome/heliport is servingAIP AD 2.2.2; Annex 4 3.6 4.6 5.3 6.4 9.5 10.5 11.6 12.6 13.4 14.4 15.4 21.5AD 2.2.2 CAA
Type of traffic permittedRestricted_use54TextIndication if an aerodrome or heliport is not open for the public (Only for the use of the owners).AIP AD 1.3.2, AIP AD 1.4; AIXM 5.1 AirportHeliportAD 1.3, AD 2.2.7 CAA
IFR_VFR51Code listIndication if IFR and/or VFR flights are permitted at the aerodrome/heliport AIP AD 1.3.2, AIP AD 2.2.7AD 1.3 CAA
International_national50Code listIndication if international and/or national flights are permitted at the aerodrome/heliport AIP AD 1.3.2AD 1.3 CAA
Sched_nonsched52Code listIndication if scheduled and/or nonscheduled flights are permitted at the aerodrome/heliport AIP AD 1.3.2AD 1.3 CAA
Civil_military53Code listIndication if civil commercial aviation and/or general aviation and/or military flights are permitted at the aerodrome/heliport AIP AD 1.3.2AD 1.3 CAA
Heliport type22TextThe type of the heliport as mention in Annex 14 Volume II (Surface-level, elevated, shipboard or helideck)AIP AD 2.16.7, Annex 14 II 2.4.1 a)AD 3.2.14 CAA
Control type23TextIndication if an aerodrome is under civil control, military control or joint controlAIP AD 1.3.1, AIP AD 2.1, Annex 4 App 2CAA
Certified ICAO24TextIndication if airport is/is not certified according to the ICAO rulesAIP AD 1.5.1, AIP AD 1.5.3AD 1.5 CAA
Certification date25DateThe date when the airport certification has been issued by the supervising authority.AIP AD 1.5.2AD 1.5 CAA
Certification expiration date26DateThe date when the airport certification will become invalid.AIP AD 1.5.2AD 1.5 CAA
Field elevationElevation55ElevationThe vertical distance above Mean Sea Level (MSL) of the highest point of the landing area.AIP AD 2.2.3, Annex 4 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m or 1 ftEH001; EH002AD 2.2.3, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geoid undulation56HeightGeoid undulation at the aerodrome/ heliport elevation positionwhere appropiateAD 2.2.4, Annex 14 I messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m or 1 ftEH003; EH004AD 2.2.4 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Reference temperature28ValueThe monthly mean of the daily maximum temperatures for the hottest month of the year at an aerodrome. This temperature should be averaged over a period of years. (ICAO recommendation)AIP AD 2.2.3, Annex 14 I 2.4.1AD 2.2.3 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Mean low temperature29ValueThe mean lowest temperature of the coldest month of the year, for the last five years of data at the aerodrome elevation.AIP AD 2.2.3, Doc 8168 Part 3 Sect. 3 degreesELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Magnetic variationDate58DateThe date on which the magnetic variation had the corresponding value.AIP AD 2.2.5; Annex 4 3.7 4.8 b) 9.7 10.7 11.8 12.8 13.5 14.5 15.5 21.7AD 2.2.5 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Annual change59ValueThe annual rate of change of the magnetic variation.AIP AD 2.2.5; Annex 4 3.7 4.8 b) 9.7 10.7 11.8 12.8 13.5 14.5 15.5 21.7AD 2.2.5 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Angle57AngleThe magnetic variation angle valueAIP AD 2.2.5; Annex 4 3.7 4.8 b) 9.7 10.7 11.8 12.8 13.5 14.5 15.5 21.71 degreeessentialsurveyed1 degree1 degreeDM003; DM004AD 2.2.5 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Reference pointSite61TextThe location of the reference point on the aerodrome. AIP AD 2.2.1AD 2.2.1 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Distance63DistanceDistance of aerodrome reference point from centre of the city or town which the aerodrome servesAIP AD 2.2.2AD 2.2.2 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Direction62TextDirection of aerodrome reference point from centre of the city or town which the aerodrome servesAIP AD 2.2.2AD 2.2.2 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position60PointGeographical location of aerodrome reference point.AIP AD 2.2.1, Annex 4 4.9 a) 13.6.1 a)30 mroutinesurveyed/calculated1 sec1 secLL007; LL008AD 2.2.1, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Landing direction indicatorLocation32TextLocation of landing direction indicatorAIP AD 2.15.2AD 2.15.2 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Lighting33TextLighting of landing direction indicatorif anyAIP AD 2.15.2AD 2.15.2 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Secondary Power SupplyCharacteristics34TextThe description of the secondary power supplyAIP AD 2.15.4AD 2.15.4 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Switch-over time35ValueSecondary power supply switch-over timeAIP AD 2.15.4AD 2.15.4 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
AnemometerLocation36TextLocation of anemometerAIP AD 2.15.2ELLX: METSP
Lighting37TextLighting of anemometerif anyAIP AD 2.15.2ELLX: METSP
ABN/IBNLocation 38TextLocation of aerodrome/heliport beacon/identification beaconif anyAIP AD 2.15.1; Annex 4 2.15.1 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Characteristics39TextDescription of aerodrome/heliport beacon/identification beaconAIP AD 2.15.1; Annex 4 2.15.1 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Hours of operation40ScheduleHours of operation of aerodrome/heliport beacon/identification beaconAIP AD 2.15.1; Annex 4 2.15.1 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Wind Direction IndicatorLocation41TextLocation of wind direction indicatorAIP AD 2.15.5AD 2.15.2 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Lighting42TextLighting of wind direction indicatorAIP AD 3.15.2AD 2.15.2 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RVR observation sitePosition 43PointGeographical location of runway visual range (RVR) observation sitesAnnex 4 Ch 13 l)ELLX: METSP
Frequency AreaStations44TextName of the station providing the serviceAMDBELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Frequency45ValueFrequency of the station providing the serviceAMDBELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Boundary46PolygonArea boundary of the frequency areaAMDBELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Hot spotIdentifier47TextThe indentifier of the hot spotAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Annotation48TextAdditional information about the hot spotAnnex 4 13.6 h)AD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry49PolygonThe geographical area of the hot spot Annex 4 13.6 h), AMDBAD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RunwayDesignator67TextThe full textual designator of the runway, used to uniquely identify it at an aerodrome/heliport. E.g. 09/27, 02R/20L, RWY 1.AIP AD 2.12.1; Annex 4 3.6 b) 6.4 13.6.1.d)AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Nominal length68DistanceThe declared longitudinal extent of the runway for operational (performance) calculations.AIP AD 2.12.3; Annex 4 a) 4.9.1 a) c) 13.6.1. d) mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD005AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Nominal width69DistanceThe declared transversal extent of the runway for operational (performance) calculations.AIP AD 2.12.3; Annex 4 a) 4.9.1 a) c) 13.6.1. d) messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD007AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry70PolygonGeometries of RunwayElement, RunwayDisplacedArea and RunwayIntersectionAMDB; Annex 4 3.5.1 4.9.1 b) 13.6.1 d)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Centre line pointsGeoid undulation110HeightThe geoid undulation at the correspoding centre line pointAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position108PointThe geographical location of runway centre line at each end of the runway, at the stopway and at the origin of each take-off flight path area, and at each significant change in slope of runway and stopwayDefinition from Annex 4 14 I App 5 A5-1; Annex 4 Ch 3 and 4, 5; AMDB1 mcriticalsurveyedLL020AD 2.9ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation109ElevationThe elevation of the corresponding centre line point. \n(See Annex 14 I 2.3.2: ---- for non-precision approaches … any significant high and low intermediate points along the runway shall be measured to the accuracy of one-half metre or foot…) Annex 4 I 2.3.2; Annex 14 I App 5 A5-2; Annex 4 Ch 3 and 4, 5; AMDB0.25 mcriticalsurveyedEH013AD 2.9ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWY exit lineColour112TextColour of runway exit lineAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Exit guidance line111LineThe geographical location of the runway exit lineAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), Annex 14, AMDB0.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL025ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Style113TextStyle of runway exit lineAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Directionality114Code ListDirectionality of RWY exit line (one-way or two-way)AIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type73TextThe surface type of the runway defined as specified in Annex 14 Volume IAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.5.1AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
StrengthSubgrade category117TextSubgrade strength categoryAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Allowable pressure118TextMaximum allowable tire pressure category or maximum allowable tire pressure valueAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
PCN115TextPavement classification numberAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Evaluation method119TextThe evaluation method usedAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Pavement type116TextPavement type for aircraft classification number — pavement classification number (ACN-PCN) determinationAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
StripWidth121DistanceThe transversal extent of the runway strip AIP AD 2.12.10; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length120DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway strip. AIP AD 2.12.10; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type122TextThe surface type of the runway stripAnnex 14 I 2.5.1 b) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
ShoulderSurface type126TextThe surface type of the shoulderAIP AD 2.12.14; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width127DistanceThe width of the runway shoulderAIP AD 2.12.14; Annex 14 I App 5 Table A5-51 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD019ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry125PolygonThe geographical location of the shouldersAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
BlastpadGeometry128PolygonThe geographical location of the blastpadAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Obstacle free zone78TextExistence of an obstacle-free zone for a precision approach runway category Iwhen providedAIP AD 2.12.13, Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)AD 2.12ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWYmarkingDescription130TextDescription of the runway markingsAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 14 2.5.1 g) AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry131PolygonThe geographical location of the runway markingAnnex 4 13.6.1 d); AMDB AD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Type129TextType of runway marking AIP AD 2.9.2; AMDB AD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWY center line LGTLength132DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position136PointGeographical location of each individual light of the runway center line lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intensity135TextIntensity of runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Colour134TextColour of runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Spacing133DistanceSpacing of runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWY Edge LGTLength137DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intensity140TextIntensity of runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Colour139TextColour of runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Spacing138DistanceSpacing of runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position141PointGeographical location of each individual light of the runway edge lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Restriction82TextDescription of restrictions imposed on runwayAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Reference CodeNumber978Code listA number based on the aeroplane reference field lengthAnnex 14 I 1.6AD 1.5ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Letter979Code listA letter based on the aeroplane wingspan and outer main gear wheel spanAnnex 14 I 1.6AD 1.5ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Runway DirectionDesignator83TextThe full textual designator of the landing and take-off direction. Examples: 27, 35L, 01R.AIP AD 2.12.1; Annex 4 3.6 b) 6.4 13.6.1 d; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
True bearing84BearingThe true bearing of the runway.AIP AD 2.12.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)1/100 degroutinesurveyed1/100 degree1 degreeBR009 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Type85TextType of runway: precision (CAT I, II, III) / non-precision / non-instrumentAIP AD 1.1, AIP AD 2.14; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
ThresholdType145TextThe indication if the threshold is displaced/ not displaced. A displaced threshold is not located at the extremity of a runway.AIP AD 2.12.14; Annex 4 13.6.1 d) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geoid undulation144HeightWGS-84 Geoid undulation at runway threshold positionWGS-84 geoid undulation at runway threshold, non-precision approaches \nWGS-84 geoid undulation at runway threshold, precision approachesAIP AD 2.12.5; Annex 4 13.6.1 c); Annex 14 I 2.3.2 / m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft \n0.1 m or 0.1 ft1 m or 1 ft \n0.5 m or 1 ftEH007; EH011 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Displacement146DistanceDistance of displaced thresholdIf displaced thresholdAIP AD 2.12.14; Annex 4 13.6.1 d)1 mroutinesurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD008 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation143ElevationElevation of the runway thresholdThreshold elevation for runways with non-precision approaches / Threshold elevation for runways with precision approacheAIP AD 2.12.6; Annex 4 13.6.1 c); Annex 14 I 2.3.2 / m / 0.25 messential / criticalsurveyed / surveyed1 m or 1 ft / 0.1 m or 0.1 ft1 m or 1 ft / 0.5 m or 1 ftEH005; EH009 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position142PointGeographical location for runway thresholdAIP AD 2.12.5; Annex 4 13.6.1 f); Annex 14 I 2.5.21 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL017 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Runway endElevation148ElevationElevation of the end postion of the runwayElevation of the runway end and any significant high and low intermediate points along the runway for non-precision approaches / Elevation of the runway end and the highest elevation of the touchdown zone for precision approach runwaysAnnex 4 b); Annex 14 I 2.3.2 / m ot 1 ft / 0.25 m or 1 ft AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position147PointLocation of the runway end in the direction of departureAIP AD 2.12.5; Annex 14 I App 5 A5-11 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL018 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Departure end of runwayPosition149PointGeographical location of DERBeginning of departure procedureDoc 8168 II I. AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation150ElevationThe elevation of DER is the elevation of the end of the runway or the elevation of the end of the clearway, whichever is higher.Beginning of departure procedureDoc 8168 II I. AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Touchdown zoneSlope152ValueThe slope of the runway touchdown zoneAMDB AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation151ElevationHighest elevation of the touchdown zone of a precision approach runwayprecision approach RWYAIP AD 2.12.6; Annex 4 13.6.1 b); Annex 14 I m or 1 ft AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Slope90ValueSlope of the runwayAIP AD 2.12.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
LAHSOGeometry153LineGeographical location of Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Protected element154TextName of runway or taxiway being protectedAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Displaced areaGeometry155PolygonGeographical location of the displaced areaAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
PCN156TextPavement classification number of the displaced areaAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type157TextThe surface type of the displaced areaAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aircraft restriction158TextUsage restriction for specific aircraft typeAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
StopwaySlope162ValueSlope of stopwayAIP AD 2.12.7 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length159DistanceThe longitudinal extent of stopwayif anyAIP AD 2.12.8; Annex 4 4.9.1 h) c); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD011 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry161PolygonGeographical location of the stopwayAnnex 4 4.9.1 g) b) 13.6.1 d); AMDB AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width160DistanceWidth of the stopwayAIP AD 2.12.8; Annex 4 4.9.1 h) c); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD011 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type163TextThe surface type of the stopwayAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 d); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
ClearwayLength164DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the clearwayAIP AD 2.12.9; Annex 4 4.9.1 j) c); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 f)1 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD009 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Ground profile166The vertical profile (or slope) of the clearwayif anyAnnex 14 I 2.5.1 f) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width165DistanceThe transversal extent of the clearwayAIP AD 2.12.9; Annex 4 4.9.1 j) c); Annex 14 I App 5 Table A5-51 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD009 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RESALongitudinal slope169ValueLongitudinal slope of Runway End Safety AreaAnnex 14 I 3.5.10 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length167DistanceThe longitudinal extent of Runway End Safety AreaAIP AD 2.12.11; Annex 4 13.6.2 d); Annex 14 I 2.5. b) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Transverse slope170ValueTranverse slope Runway End Safety AreaAnnex 14 I 3.5.11 AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width168DistanceThe transversal extent of the Runway End Safety AreaAIP AD 2.12.11; Annex 4 13.6.2 d); Annex 14 I 2.5. b) AD 2.12 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Declared distancesTODA172DistanceTake-off distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if\nprovided.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD015 AD 2.13 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
ASDA174DistanceAccelerate-stop distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the stopway, if\nprovided.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD018 AD 2.13 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Remarks176TextRemarks including runway entry or start point where alternative reduced declared distances have been declaredAIP AD 2.13.6 AD 2.13 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
LDA175DistanceLanding distance available - The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run\nof an aeroplane landing.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD012 AD 2.13 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
TORA171DistanceTake-off run available - The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an\naeroplane taking off.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD014 AD 2.13 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWY End LGTPosition178PointGeographical location of each individual light of the runway end lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.24 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Colour177TextColour of runway end lightsAIP AD 2.14.8; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
SWY LGTColour180TextColour of stopway lightsAIP AD 2.14.9; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position181PointGeographical location of each individual light of the stopway lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length179DistanceThe longitudinal extent of stopway lightsAIP AD 2.14.9; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Approach lighting systemType182TextClassification of the approach lighting system using as criteria the ICAO Annex 14 standardsAIP AD 2.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length183DistanceThe longitudinal extent of approach lighting system.AIP AD 2.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position185PointGeographical location of each individual light of the approach lighting systemAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intensity184TextA code indicating the relative intensity of the lighting system.AIP AD 2.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWY threshold lightsColour186TextColour of runway threshold lightsAIP AD 2.14.3; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position188PointGeographical location of each individual light of the threshold and wing bar lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Wing bar colour187TextColour of runway threshold wing barsAIP AD 2.14.3; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Touchdown zone lightsLength189DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway touchdown zone lightsAIP AD 2.14.5; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position190PointGeographical location of each individual light of the touchdown zone lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Visual approach slope indicator systemDisplacement direction196TextWhere the axis of the system is not parallel to the runway centre line, the direction of displacement, i.e. left or rightAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12 AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Type194TextType of VGSI (VASI, PAPI etc.)AIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12 AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Angle193AngleNominal approach slope angle(s)AIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12 AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Displacement angle195AngleWhere the axis of the system is not parallel to the runway centre line, the angle of displacemenAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12 AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
MEHT191HeightMinimum Eye Height over the ThresholdAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12 AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position192PointGeographical location of Visual approach slope indicator systemAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 4 13.6.1 n) AD 2.14 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Arresting gear103LineGeographical location of the aresting gear cable across the runwayAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Arresting systemLength199DistanceThe longitudinal extent of arresting systemAIP AD 2.12.12; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry197PolygonThe geographical location of the arresting systemAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width200DistanceThe transverse extent of arresting systemAIP AD 2.12.12; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Setback198DistanceSetback of the arresting systemAIP AD 2.12.12; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Radio altimeter areaLength105DistanceThe longitudinal extent of radio altimeter areaAnnex 14 I 3.8ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width106DistanceThe transverse extent of radio altimeter areaAnnex 14 I 3.8ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry107PolygonGeographical location of radio altimeter areaAnnex 14 I 3.8ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
FATOThresholdGeoid undulation237HeightWGS-84 Geoid undulation at FATO threshold positionWGS–84 geoid undulation at FATO threshold, TLOF geometric centre, for heliports with or without a PinS approach \nWGS–84 geoid undulation at FATO threshold, TLOF geometric centre, for heliports intended to be operated in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Appendix 2AIP AD 2.16; Annex 4 13.6.1; Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-10.5 m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft 1 m or 1 ft (non precision), 0.1 m or 0.1 ft (precision)EH008; EH012 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation236ElevationElevation of the FATO thresholdFATO threshold, for heliports with or without a PinS approach \nFATO threshold, for heliports intended to be operated in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Appendix 2AIP AD 2.16; Annex 4 13.6.1; Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-10.5 m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft 1 m or 1 ft (non-precision), 0.1 m or 0.1 ft (precision)EH006; EH010 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position235PointGeographical location of FATO thresholdAIP AD 2.16; Annex 4 13.6.1; Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-11 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL029 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Departure end of runwayElevation239ElevationThe elevation of the DER is the higher of the elevations of the beginning and end of the runway/FATO.Doc 8168 II I. AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position238PointGeographical location of DERAIP AD 2.12.5; Doc 8168 II I. mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL018ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Type207TextType of FATO according to ICAO Heliport Manual (Doc 9261)Annex 14 II 2.4 c) AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Designation208TextThe full textual designator of the landing and take-off area.Annex 14 II 2.4 c), AMDB AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length209DistanceThe longitudinal extent of FATOAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-51 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD006AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width210DistanceThe transversal extent of FATOAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II 2.4 c)AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry211PolygonGeographical location of FATO elementAnnex 4 4.9.1 l) 13.6.2 c); AMDBAD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Slope212ValueThe slope of FATOAIP AD 2.16.7; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II 2.4 c)AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type213TextThe surface type of FATOAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); AMDBAD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
True bearing214BearingThe true bearing of the FATOAIP AD 2.16.4;Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-41/100 degroutinesurveyed1/100 degreeBR010AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Declared distancesRTODAH241DistanceRejected Take-off distance available - The length of the FATO declared available and suitable for\nhelicopters operated in performance class 1 to complete a rejected take-off.AIP AD 3.13; Annex 14 II 2.51 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD017 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Remarks243TextRemarks including entry or start point where alternative reduced declared distances have been declaredAIP AD 3.13 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
TODAH240DistanceTake-off distance available - The length of the FATO plus the length of helicopter clearway (if provided)and if applicable, alternative reduced declared distances;AIP AD 3.13; Annex 14 II 2.51 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD015 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
LDAH242DistanceLanding distance available - The length of the FATO plus any additional area declared available and\nsuitable for helicopters to complete the landing manoeuvre from a defined height.AIP AD 3.13; Annex 14 II 2.5 1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD012 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
FATO markingDescription244TextDescription of FATO markingsAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 g) AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Approach lighting system Length246DistanceThe longitudinal extent of approach lighting system.AIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intensity247TextA code indicating the relative intensity of the lighting system.AIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position248PointGeographical location of each individual light of the approach lighting systemAMDB AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Type245TextClassification of the approach lighting system using as criteria the ICAO Annex 14 standardsAIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Area lightsDescription249TextCharacteristics of area lightsAIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position250PointGeographical location of each individual light of the area lightsAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aiming point lightsDescription251TextCharacteristics of aiming point lightsAIP AD 3.14.4ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position252PointGeographical location of each individual light of the aiming point lightsAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
TLOFDesignator220TextThe full textual designator of TLOFAMDBAD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Centre pointPosition253PointGeographical location of TLOF geometric centreAIP AD 2.16.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 b) c)1 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL029AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation254ElevationElevation of the TLOF geometric centreFATO threshold, for heliports with or without a PinS approach \nFATO threshold, for heliports intended to be operated in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Appendix 2AIP AD 2.16.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 b) c)0.5 m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1ft 1 m or 1 ft (non-precision), 0.1 m or 0.1 ft (precision)EH006; EH010AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geoid undulation255HeightWGS-84 Geoid undulation at TLOF geometric centre positionWGS–84 geoid undulation at FATO threshold, TLOF geometric centre, for heliports with or without a PinS approach \nWGS–84 geoid undulation at FATO threshold, TLOF geometric centre, for heliports intended to be operated in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Appendix 2AIP AD 2.16.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 b) c)0.5 m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft 1 m or 1 ft (non precision), 0.1 m or 0.1 ft (precision)EH008; EH012 AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Length222DistanceThe longitudinal extent of TLOFAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.1 b) c); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 b)1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD006AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width223DistanceThe transversal extent of TLOFAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.1 b) c); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 b)1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD006AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry224PolygonGeographical location of TLOF elementAnnex 4 13.6.2 b) c) f); AMDBAD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Slope225ValueThe slope of TLOFAnnex 4 13.6.2 b)AD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type226TextThe surface type of TLOFAIP AD 2.16.3, Annex 4 13.6.2 b), AMDBAD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Bearing strength227ValueThe bearing strength of TLOFAnnex 4 13.6.2 b)1 toneAD 2.16, AD 3ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Visual approach slope indicator system type228TextType of visual approach slope indicator systemAIP AD 3.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.12 b) AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
MarkingDescription256TextDescription of TLOF markingsAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 g) AD 2.16 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Safety areaLength230DistanceThe longitudinal extent of safety areaAnnex 4 Ch 13, Annex 14 II 2.4.1 d)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width231DistanceThe transversal extent of safety areaAnnex 4 Ch 13, Annex 14 II 2.4.1 d)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type232TextThe surface type of safety areaAnnex 4 Ch 13, Annex 14 II 2.4.1 d)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Helicopter clearwayLength233DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the helicopter clearwayAnnex 4 13.6.2 e); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 g)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Ground profile234ValueVertical profile (or slope) of helicopter clearwayAnnex 4 13.6.2 e); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 g)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
ApronDesignator268TextThe full textual name or designator used to identify an apron at an aerodrome/heliport.AIP AD 2.8.1 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry269PolygonGeographical location of the apron elementAnnex 4 4.9.1 f) c) 13.6.1 e) 14.6 b) 15.6 b); Annex 14; AMDB1 mroutinesurveyed1/10 sec1 secLL030ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Type270TextClassification of the primary use for the apronAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aircraft restriction271TextUsage restriction (prohibition) for specified aircraft typeAnnex 4 13.6.1 e) 14.6 b) 15.6 b); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type272TextThe surface type of the apron AIP AD 2.8.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
StrengthEvaluation method341TextThe evaluation method used to determine the apron strengthAIP AD 2.8.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
PCN337TextPavement classification number of apronAIP AD 2.8.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Allowable pressure340TextMaximum allowable tire pressure category or maximum allowable tire pressure valueAIP AD 2.8.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Pavement type338TextPavement type for aircraft classification number — pavement classification number (ACN-PCN) determinationAIP AD 2.8.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Subgrade category339TextSubgrade strength category of apronAIP AD 2.8.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation274ElevationThe elevation of the apron Annex 4 13.6.1 b) 14.6 a) 15.6 a) AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
TaxiwayDesignator275TextThe full textual designator of the taxiway.AIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 15.6 d); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 c) AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width276DistanceThe transversal extent of the taxiway.AIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 c)1 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD020 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry277PolygonGeographical location of the taxiway elementAnnex 4 4.9.1 f) f) 13.6.1 g); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Bridge278TextType of bridge (none, overpass, underpass)AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type279TextSurface type of taxiwayAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 5 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1; AMDB AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
StrengthPCN342TextPavement classification number of taxiwayAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Pavement type343TextPavement type for aircraft classification number — pavement classification number (ACN-PCN) determinationAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Evaluation method346TextThe evaluation method used to determine the taxiway strengthAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Allowable pressure345TextMaximum allowable tire pressure category or maximum allowable tire pressure valueAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Subgrade category344TextSubgrade strength category of taxiwayAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 I 2.6.2 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aircraft restrictions281TextUsage restriction (prohibition) for specified aircraft typeAIXM 5.1.1; Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Center line pointsElevation348ElevationElevation of taxiway center line pointsAnnex 14 I App 5 Table A5-21 messentialsurveyedEH014AD 2.9ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position347PointGeographical coordinates of taxiway center line pointsAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1/100 secLL021AD 2.9ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
ShoulderGeometry349PolygonGeographical location of the taxiway shoulderAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width351DistanceThe width of the taxiway shoulderAnnex 14 I App 5 Table A5-5 1 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD022ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type350TextSurface type of taxiway shoulderAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Guidance linesStyle354TextStyle of taxiway guidance linesAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry352LineGeoghraphical location of guidance linesAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6; Annex 14 App 5; AMDB0.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1/100 secLL021ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Wingspan355ValueWingspanAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Maxspeed356ValueMaximum speedAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Colour353TextColour of taxiway guidance linesAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Direction357TextDirectionAnnex 4 14.6 d); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intermediate holding position marking line285LineIntermediate holding position marking lineAnnex 4 App 6; Annex 14 App 50.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL023ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Taxiway markingDescription358TextDescription of taxiway markingAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 14 I 5.2.1 g) AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Taxiway edge lightsDescription359TextDescription of taxiway edge lightsAIP AD 2.15.3; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.15 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position360PointGeographical location of each individual light of the taxiway edge lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6; AMDB AD 2.15 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Taxiway centre line lightsPosition362PointGeographical location of each individual light of the taxiway center line lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6; AMDB AD 2.15 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Description361TextDescription of taxiway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.15.3; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.15 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Stop barsDescription363TextDescription of the stop bars if anyAIP AD 2.9.3 AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry364LineLocation of the stop barAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6 AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Runway guard lightsGeometry367LineLocation of the runway guard lightsConfiguration BAnnex 14, Annex 4 13.6 g) AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position366PointLocation of the runway guard lightsConfiguration AAnnex 14, Annex 4 13.6 g) AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Description365TextDescription of the runway guard lights and other runway protection measures if anyAIP AD 2.9.3 AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Runway holding positionGeometry368LineGeoghraphical location of holding positionsAnnex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; Annex 14 I App 5 A5-1; AMDB0.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL019 AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Catstop370Code listCAT of runway (0, I, II, III)AIP AD 2.9.2; AMDB AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
RWY ahead text371TextActual text as it exists in the marking. For example, RWY AHEAD or RUNWAY AHEAD.AIP AD 2.9.2; AMDB AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Protected runway369TextDesignator of the runway protectedAIP AD 2.9.2; AMDB AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intermediate holding positionGeometry372LineGeographical location of intermediate holding position - A designated position intended for traffic control at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall\nstop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by the aerodrome control tower.Annex 4 13.6.1 14.6 15.6; AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Reference code letter980Code listA letter based on the aeroplane wingspan and outer main gear wheel spanAnnex 14 I 1.6ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Location for wing tips extension1358PointFor aerodromes accomodating aeroplanes with folding wing tips, the location where to extend the wing tipsELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Helicopter ground taxiwayDesignator293TextThe full textual designator of helicopter ground taxiwayAnnex 4 13.6.1 g)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Center line points294PointGeographical location of helicopter ground center line taxiway pointsAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.3 App 1 A1-10.5 messentialsurveyed/calculatedLL022ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation295ElevationElevantion of helicopter ground taxiwayAnnex 14 II App 1 A1-21 messentialsurveyedEH015ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width296DistanceThe transversal extent of the helicopter ground taxiwayAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 e)1 messentialsurveyedLD021ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type297TextThe surface type of the helicopter ground taxiwayAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 e)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Intersection marking line298LineHelicopter ground taxiway intersection marking lineAnnex 14 II, Annex 14 II App 1 A1-10.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL042ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
LightingDescription373TextDescription of helicopter ground taxiway lightAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 h)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position374PointGeographical location of each individual light of the helicopter ground taxiway lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
MarkingDescription375TextDescription of helicopter ground taxiway markingAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 h)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Helicopter air taxiwayDesignator301TextThe full textual designator of helicopter air taxiwayAIP AD 2.8.2, AIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.1 g)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Center line points302PointGeographical location of helicopter air taxiway center line pointsAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II messentialsurveyed/calculatedLL022ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation303ElevationElevation of helicopter air taxiwayAnnex 14 II App 1 A1-21 messentialsurveyedEH015ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width304DistanceThe transversal extent of the helicopter air taxiwayAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 e)1 messentialsurveyedLD021ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type305TextSurface type of helicopter air taxiwayAIP AD 2.8.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 e)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
LightingDescription376TextDescription of helicopter air taxiway lightingAIP AD 2.15.3; Annex 4 13.6.1 g); Annex 14 II 2.4.1 h)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position377PointGeographical location of each individual light of the helicopter air taxiway lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 g); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
MarkingDescription378TextDescription of helicopter air taxiway markingAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 14 II 2.4.1 h)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Helicopter air transit routesDesignator308TextDesignator of helicopter air transit routeAnnex 4 13.6.1 g)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry309LineGeographical location of helicopter air transit routeAnnex 4 13.6.1 g)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Width310DistanceThe transversal extent of the helicopter air transit routeAIP AD 3.8.31 messentialsurveyedELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
INS checkpointPosition311PointGeographical location of the INS check pointwhere availableAIP AD mroutinesurveyed1/100 sec1/100 secLL027 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
VOR checkpoint 312PointGeographical location of the VOR check pointwhere availableAIP AD 2.8.4; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 h) AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Frequency313ValueFrequency of the VOR check pointAnnex 14 I 2.5.1 h); Annex 4 13.6.1 r) 14.6 l) 15.6 k) AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Altimeter checkpointPosition314PointGeographical location of altimeter checkpointsAIP AD 2.8.3; Annex 4 13.6.1 b); Annex 14 I 2.7.1 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation315ElevationElevation of altimeter checkpointsAIP AD 2.8.3; Annex 4 13.6.1 b); Annex 14 I 2.7.3 AD 2.8 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aircraft standName316TextName of the aircraft stand pointAMDB AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Acft stand pointsAircraft types380Code listAircraft typesAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position379PointGeographical location of aircraft stand pointAnnex 14 I 2.5.4; Annex 4 13.6.1 i) 14.6 c) 15.6 c)0.5 mroutinesurveyed1/100 sec1/100 secLL027ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Identification sign318TextDescription of aircraft stand identification signAIP AD 2.9.1; Annex 14 I 5.4.6 AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Visual docking parking guidance system319TextDescription of visual docking/parking guidance system at the aircraft standAIP AD 2.9.1; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g) AD 2.9 ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Parking stand area320PolygonGeographical location of parking stand areaAnnex 4 13.6.1 e) 14.6 b) 15.6 b); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Jetway321Code listJetway available at aircraft standAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Fuel322Code listFuel available at aircraft standAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Ground power323Code listGround power available at aircraft standAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Towing324Code listTowing available at aicraft standAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Terminal325TextTerminal building referenceAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type326TextSurface type of the aircraft standAnnex 4 13.6.1 e) 14.6 b) 15.6 b); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aircraft restriction327TextUsage restriction (prohibition) for specified aircraft typeAnnex 4 13.6.1 e) 14.6 b) 15.6 b); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
PCN328TextPavement classification number of aircraft standAnnex 4 13.6.1 e) 14.6 b) 15.6 b); AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Stand guidance lineDirection383TextDirection of stand guidance lineAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Colour385Code listColour of stand guidance line Annex 4 15.6 b), AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry381LineGeographical location of parking guidance lineAnnex 4 15.6 b), Annex 14 I App 5, AMDB0.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 secLL021ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Elevation382ElevationParking guidance line points elevationAnnex 14 App. 51 messentialsurveyedEH014ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Wingspan384ValueWingspan Annex 4 15.6 b), AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Style386Code listStyle of stand guidance lineAnnex 4 15.6 b), AMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Helicopter standName330TextName of helicopter standAnnex 4 13.6.1 e)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Position331PointGeographical location of helicopter stand point/ INS checkpointsAnnex 4 13.6.1 e), Annex 14 II 2.4.4 Annex 14 II A1-10.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 secLL028ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
De-icing areaIdentifier332TextIdentifier of de-icing areaAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Geometry333PolygonGeographical location of de-icing areaAnnex 4 13.6.1 q) 14.6 k) 15.6 j), Annex 14 I App 5, AMDB1 mroutinesurveyed1/10 sec1 secLL032ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Surface type334TextThe surface type of the deicing area Annex 14 2.5.1 d)ELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Idbase335TextName of underlying Taxiway, Parkingstand or Apron ElementAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Aircraft restriction336TextUsage restriction (prohibition) for specified aircraft typeAMDBELLX: AD OPR
Other: CAA
Other: AD OPR
Communication facilityService designation388TextDesignation of the service providedAIP AD 2.18.1 AD 2.18 ELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Call sign389TextCall sign of the communication facilityAIP AD 2.18.2 AD 2.18 ELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Channel390TextChannel/Frequency of the communication facilityAIP AD 2.18.3 AD 2.18 ELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Logon address391TextThe logon address of the facilityas approriateAIP AD 2.18.5 AD 2.18 ELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
Hours of operation392ScheduleOperational hours of the station serving the unitAIP AD 2.18.4 AD 2.18 ELLX: ATSP
Other: CAA
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